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New Hope


Deaf ministries in churches are very few and those that do exist are usually located in much larger churches. Even when a church seeks to introduce and establish a deaf ministry in its list of ministries, it is almost impossible to do so. Either because they do not have the necessary resources or because they cannot find qualified Christian interpreters to take on this responsibility. Consequently, this deprivation of language and means of communication leads many deaf people to be excluded from churches, making them the most neglected and least evangelized group of people in the world.

Which brings us to share some reasons why we consider deaf ministry to be an important factor in churches.

  • Even though Deaf people can have access to a Bible, most of them cannot clearly understand parts of the Scriptures unless someone explains them in their own language. Their language is visual and not based on written words. What they should have is a Bible in sign language. But unfortunately, at present, there is no complete Bible in a signed translation.

  • There is a great need for Deaf ministries in our churches today and a lack of interpretive Christian leadership to serve the Deaf. While hearing people have access to many resources to help them in their spiritual journey, Deaf people do not have the same privilege.

  • Most Deaf children are born to hearing parents, and few of these parents know enough sign language and really care about learning it to hold a long conversation with their children, or even to explain the Gospel to them.

  • The deprivation of verbal language has led many deaf people to have no form of communication with those around them. Most people focus more on listening and speaking instead of focusing on language acquisition.


Our mission is to help Deaf people to know Jesus, to learn about Him, to develop a personal relationship with Him, to grow in faith and to walk in sanctification. God also called them to live and experience His grace, His forgiveness and His salvation in Jesus Christ. Which is why they need Shepherds to guide them and teach them the path of salvation.


Our Commitment

Deaf people always prefer to gather and worship in a place where they can find people to communicate with them, interpreters to translate for them, or in a deaf-only church where sign language is the primary language, which is rare. The most effective evangelism and discipleship program for the deaf is not accessible to the vast majority of deaf people, especially deaf children.

At Promogos Ministry, we take this responsibility seriously as many of them are searching for answers and yearning for a new beginning with Christ. We are fully committed to this ministry, as much as God will allow us, so that many may come to the knowledge of the truth, leading them to develop a personal relationship with God and grow in faith.

We have a team that helps make this ministry possible. We offer sign language classes with technical interpretation training to those who wish to help and support this ministry, in order to establish more accessible services for deaf people on a spiritual and social basis.

We are the church of Jesus Christ and every individual has a place in our congregation. We offer them the privilege of attending our regular Sunday services, having their own worship service, Bible study group and Biblical counseling for their personal edification and spiritual growth.



Our Different Activities:

Interpreted Service • Dance & Worship Ministry • Deaf Bible Study • Social Activities

If you need more information about this ministry please contact us:

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