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In direct connection with Life Groups Connect, the purpose and goal of the Adult Education Ministry is to care for and ensure the growth and spiritual development of church members. Its responsibility is to organize, plan and carry out activities related to the mission of Promogos Ministries, which is to evangelize unbelievers, teach them and prepare them for service. It also has the mission to create different types of meeting that allow all to live together in brotherly love, to fellowship one another, to share precious moments on life and to grow together in faith and in the knowledge of the word of God. That's why we have Life Groups Connect.

The teachings of our various classes are centered on the study of biblical doctrines that allow church members to grow not only in the knowledge of the word but also in faith and perseverance, by deepening with interest the important aspects christian life and having a better discernment.

Our goal is not only to teach them to know the word but also to prepare them to face false doctrines and to be themselves disciples, working for the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


New Believers Class

A four-week class for those who received their call and need to be taught the doctrine of salvation, grace and the love of God through Jesus Christ.

Membership Class

A two-day class that opens the door to new members who want to join the family of Promogos to connect with us, knowing who we are and our beliefs and our core values.

Doctrinal Foundation Classes (Bible Study)

Other classes and group meetings that can help you to have a better understanding of biblical doctrines and the will of God for your life are also available for you if you want to grow in faith, sanctification and in the knowledge of God:

Love and Forgiveness of God • Grace and Salvation • Faith • Sanctification

Baptism of the Holy Spirit • Power of Prayer • Fasting • Repentance • Etc.

If you need more information regarding Life Groups Connect to guide you or you would like to attend to a class, you can contact the Adult Education's Director directly or the church office by email ( or click on the Button below to register.

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