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Our core values are what make us who we are, our attitude and actions what we do and how we do it. They determine how we live our life as believers, by renouncing the tradition of men based on religion to embrace the lifestyle of faith according to the will of God.​

THE TRUTH: We affirm the truth of God’s Word because it reveals God’s will, character, and desire for all human beings. We firmly believe that God is the source of all truth.

THE CENTRALITY OF THE GOSPEL: The gospel is not a list of moral principles or strong exhortations to please people. It has a clear purpose, objective, and message. We affirm that Christ is the central point of the Gospel and the Gospel is the central point to Biblical truth. Paul in his preaching proves that the central point of the gospel is “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” Even Jesus Himself confirms that all Scripture testifies of Him and is fulfilled in Him. Christ and the Gospel must remain at the heart of our preaching and teaching.

THE PURPOSE OF LOVE: People usually think of love as a strong feeling of attraction that overwhelms us. But biblical love is much more than that; it is a way of life, a spiritual grace produced by God in the heart of believers. As Paul mentions in Galatians, love is the crown of the “fruit of the Spirit.” We affirm that love is the starting point for measuring authentic Christianity with the help of the Holy Spirit.

OUR SUBMISSION TO THE BIBLE: Having the firm conviction that the Bible is the revealed truth of God, that it is inerrant, unfailing, inspired and that it provides everything we need for eternal life and godly living, we affirm our complete submission to all the teachings it gives us on how we are to live our lives according to the will of God, without neglecting or diminishing anything.


HUMILITY: According to the Bible, humility is seeking God’s honor and considering others more important than oneself. It is based on the character of God who, in Jesus Christ, humbled himself to help the morally destitute and the spiritually poor. We affirm our total dependence on God for all we have and accomplish with a deepened vision and sense of God’s glory, holiness, and absolute sovereignty.



  1. We minister to people only under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, being led and used by Him to accomplish God’s will in and through us for the edification of the church.

  2. A life of prayer and fasting is our spiritual way of staying focused on God and what expects of us.

  3. We recognize and value the calling and gifts of believers for the growth of the Church.

  4. We reject the tradition of men and their carnal desire to live according to the precepts of the word of God.

  5. We affirm that no one is perfect in the eyes of God, we all have our weaknesses that only God can help us overcome.

  6. We cannot accomplish anything without God's help, but to do so we must have faith in Him.

  7. We all need the spiritual and moral assistance of others.

  8. The church is what allows us to live and grow together in faith and in the knowledge of God.

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