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Courses & Modules

Our courses, divided into modules, are designed to prepare and equip those who are called to serve the church or who aspired to become church leaders and who want to develop their knowledge of the word and ministerial life.

Our Teaching Training Course is for those who are called in the gospel ministry or who are interested to become a Preacher or teacher of the word.

Module 1

Developing a Prayer Life

Exploring the Bible


Foundation of Salvation

Acts and Romans

Module 3

New Testament Survey

The Divinity of Christ

The Holiness of God

The Dispensations

New Covenant

Module 5

Gift of Prophecy

Gospel According to Christ

Spiritual Leadership

Leading Small Groups

Equipping the Church

Module 2

Old Testament Survey

Praise & Worship

Studying the Bible

Systematic Theology

Holy Spirit: Gift & Ministry

Module 4

Gospel According to God

Christian Ethics

Identifying Your Calling

Effective Leadership

Biblical Coaching

Module 6

Biblical Counseling

Healing Ministry

Discipleship & Evangelism

Teaching & Preaching

Short talk by all attendees




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