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As Christians and spiritual leaders, it is our duty and responsibility to maintain a high standard of excellence, Christian loyalty, and integrity not only among the members of our congregation, but also among the believers in our community. A Christian who, according to his calling or his heart's desire, needs to be rooted in the essential doctrine of the Christian faith and to have a devoted life and consecrated to the service of the Lord, that must be prepared and become a true example of Christianity in words and in actions wherever he goes. This is why at Promogos Ministries, whose mission is to promote, preach and teach the fundamental doctrines of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we have made it our duty to establish a school of ministries to prepare those who have been called to service, all as well as those who want to know the word and to live in harmony with the will of God, as it stated in the book of Ephesians:

"And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ."

Ephesians 4:11-13

Why Promogos School of Ministry?


  • Do you believe that you have received God's call to ministry?

  • Are you currently in the ministry?

  • Do you just want to dedicate yourself to a life of service?


If your answer to one of these three questions is YES then you have your place at the School of Ministry.


It is very important that each candidate has the following qualifications:


  • Be a born again Christian.

  • Be a faithful and active member of our assembly or another local church.

  • Have a recommendation from two leaders in our congregation or, if you are a member of another church, from your pastor and another person.

  • Refrain from any habit that could harm you as a spiritual role model, or your ministry and be a stumbling block to others. (Example: abuse of sex, alcohol, drugs or tobacco)

  • Have a sincere heart that desires to submit to the principles of the Word of God and that manifests itself in an exemplary lifestyle.

  • Have respect for authority and spiritual leaders established by God

  • To love the teaching of the word of God and to have a heart suitable for learning in a spirit of humility.

  • Be ready to work in a group in a spirit of service, support and sharing

  • Be ready to do God's will in your life without a murmur or hesitation.




  • Complete a registration form, online or in person.

  • Pay the $50 fee for opening your file, online or in person.

  • Email or bring to the administration a letter of recommendation from your pastor, if you are a member of another church.

  • Email or bring to the administration the two letters of recommendation from your two friends (not your immediate family).

  • Ask your reference leaders to contact the administration, if you are a member of our assembly,


What will this do for me?


It will give you the opportunity to be:

  • Rooted in the essential doctrines of the Christian faith

  • Filled, led and directed by the Holy Spirit

  • Equipped to improve your skills as a leader in your interpersonal relationships

  • Educated in the different facets of ministry in the church

  • Exposed to a wide variety of mature ministers in the gospel


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