Men’s Ministry is a faith-based program designed to help our men meet their spiritual, personal, and social needs. It provides them with an environment to mature spiritually, grow in their faith, have fellowship, and become spiritual leaders at home, in the church, and in the community. It also teaches and encourages them to be examples in behavior and attitude, to love their wives as Christ loved the church, to raise their children according to God’s word, and to share the love of Christ with others in the community, which is an important aspect of their program.
Regular meetings provide opportunities for them to support, encourage, and watch over one another. The purpose of this ministry is to provide a biblical way for its members to share their faith, brotherly love, and grow together in the knowledge of God.
Their door is open to new converts and even to those who do not yet know Christ, because their goal is not only to commune with the saved but also with unbelievers who often attend our church in order to bring them to repentance to become children of the kingdom.
The mission of Men's Ministry is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, personal development and maturity, biblical counseling, encouragement, fellowship, support for men in the congregation, and community ministry and service.
Biblical Manhood, Family, Discipleship, Fellowship, Biblical Fatherhood, Accountability, Ministerial Ethics, Worship, Ministry, and Community.
Leading Bible Study.
Men's Outings Activities (Get together to experience various activities and exchanges between men).
Men's Value (Becoming a Godly man and a loving husband).
Hosting Spiritual Blogs on Social Media.
Be-Attitude Conference (Annual Women's Conference).
Living By Faith Experience (Annual Men's Retreat).
Providing Counseling for its Members.
Providing Mentorship and Empower Young Men of the Church.
Training and Equiping Men Leaders for the Church.

The team will be happy to guide you and assist you to better integrate the activities of the church. We have many different areas of ministry where you can serve according to your calling, your gift and your ability to fulfill the will of God.
If you need more information about men's ministry please contact us: getinvolved@promogosministries.org
As a man of God we believe you have your place in this ministry.