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Man Ministry


Men's Ministry is a weekly meeting between men of the church to study the Bible and fellowship with one another. By gathering together, it allows them to support, encourage and watch over each other. Their purpose is to provide a biblical way to share their faith, their brotherly love and to grow together in the knowledge of the word of God.

Their door is also open to those who are not members of the church and even those who do not know Christ, because their purpose is not only to fraternize with the saved ones but also to bring to repentance those who need to be saved.

Our Mission as Ministry: Educate, train, equip and assist the men of the church.


  • Bible Study (Once a week).

  • Fellowship & Breakfast (Get together to experience various activities and discussion around the word of God).

  • Men's Value (Becoming a godly man and a faithful husband).

  • Be-Attitude (Annual Men's Conference)

  • Living By Faith Experience


The team will be happy to guide you and assist you to better integrate the activities of the church. We have many different areas of ministry where you can serve according to your calling, your gift and your ability to fulfill the will of God.

If you need more information about men's ministry please contact us.

As a man of God we believe you have your place in this ministry.

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