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We glorify and please God by acknowledging His unfathomable worth through praise and worship. Worship involves both reverence and godly living. It is a holy and sincere activity, rooted in a true and growing knowledge of our living God. Promogos Ministries is a community of believers who are grateful to God for His love, goodness, and grace toward us in Christ Jesus.


God’s grace through salvation fills us with awe and overflowing gratitude. Our gratitude to God means that we actively praise Him with all our heart and soul, and live in obedience and humility before Him. We meet together regularly to give Him glory, receive His instruction in the preaching of His word, and actively respond to His grace through baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and brotherly love.


Our weekly gathering is a corporate expression of our love for God, our desire to worship and honor Him, and our joy in being in His presence. We adore Him through song, psalms, and the preaching of His word. In all our activities as individuals and as a church, we seek to represent Him in a way that honors and praises His name.



Our Music and Praise Ministry is made up of people dedicated to leading the church in an atmosphere of worship to experience the manifest presence of God. They truly worship God in spirit and truth as found in John 4:24: “God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

To be a part of this team, you must be a spirit-filled Christian with a devoted heart, a passion for worship. You should be a life-changer for the glory of God. You may have talent and a beautiful voice, but that is not what we are looking for. We need true worshipers who completely forget themselves to surrender their lives to God to be used by Him for the edification of His people.


All of the above are required. But if you feel that you lack spiritual maturity, it will not be an issue, because if you have a burning desire to put your gift at the service of God, regardless of your level of ability or singing experience, we will be more than happy to help and biblically guide you in your quest for spiritual elevation.

The Music and Praise Team not only sings during Sunday services, they also meet regularly to spend time studying the Word, fellowshipping and praying together to seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit to better fulfill their ministry.



The Worship Team leads the congregation in praise and worship during all church services. The primary function of the singers on the team is to stand before the congregation as a visual inspiration for worship. Everything about their attitude, appearance, and countenance should celebrate Jesus Christ and encourage the congregation to do the same.


The primary function of the Children's Choir is to serve as a large group of children (ages 5-13) who render "perfect praise" to our God. We also desire to reach other children with the gospel of Christ through song and help bring the gospel to friends, family, and community.


The function of the Dance Team is to use their bodies as a visual of praise and worship to the Lord. Their prayer is that the power of the movement will bring God's love, forgiveness and power to all present.

In addition to those three worship teams that ministers to the church, we also have Hands of Worship Ministry. They are using dance, flags and sign language to give glory to God. This group is made up of young people aged 15 to 20 years old.

If you need more information or you want to join our worship team please contact us:

We would love to see you at our next rehearsal.

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