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Jesus has given us the full authority  to solve our problems, whatever the circumstances, to heal the sick, to cast out demon and to work miracles in His name, so when we put our voices together in one mind and one accord to pray to God, we will see His hands at work in our life.


Corporate Prayer is the gathering of the church members in one accord and for the same purpose, seeking through prayer, psalms and worship the presence of God and His instructions for the growth of the church, the leading of the services and the ministries. We meet at the sanctuary every Thursday and Saturday at 7:00 PM. We also take 30 minutes to pray before Sunday and Wednesday worship services


The Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing and to intercede for others. Because of this commandment, we have created an Intercessory Team, interceding regularly for the needs of the church in general. They are all men and women of faith, spirit-filled who devoted their life and time in prayer and intercession for the church, its needs, its ministries, the leaders, the sick and also for those in needs of prayer. We teach them, prepare them and guide them for this purpose only, that of laying of hands, praying whenever and wherever  the Holy Spirit guides them to do so.



Through this training, we prepare our team to develop a Christlike life of prayer and consecration to bring inner healing and transformation into the lives of those with whom they pray. We teach them to identify evil tendencies that can prevent them from being instruments after God's heart, such as unforgiveness, lusts, pride, self-esteem, negative decisions and other thoughts in the heart.

After the training, all participants can join a particular prayer group. Each group can meet at the date and time that suits them either at the church according to the availability of space or at the place of their choice. You will see them, not only, before the altar after the Sunday's service waiting to pray for you, but also they will always be available to pray with you at any time you meet them at the church or other places.

If you need more information or wants to join our prayer team please contact us:


We're looking forward to see you at our next prayer class and the Sunday's corporate prayer.

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