Our Ministry to Couples
Nowadays, everywhere, even in churches, couples tend to abandon their first love, their social and spiritual commitment to each other when they go through difficult times in their marriage. Instead of struggling to save their marriage, they think and jump straight to divorce as the best solution. Even the future of their children takes second place in their hasty decision-making.
But, God did not institute marriage with the purpose that it could be broken by man. He did so that man and woman would complete each other (And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Gen. 6:18). That's why this Marriage Ministry is committed to bringing couples into a closer intimate relationship with God and their mates by: providing assistance to enrich marriage through education; activities to encourage communication and intimacy; and biblical understanding of the precepts of marriage so that God will be glorified in our marriages. This ministry offers marriage classes; counseling meetings, conferences, retreats and other events designed to equip and enrich the lives of families.
We Do Vision
To help couples thrive in their marriage by providing empowering educational tools to nourish and cherish each other in a healthy marriage relationship. This ministry will not only play a pivotal role in building successful marriages, but it will also impact children, families, the church and ultimately the community.
We Do Mission
To help couples to learn and develop marriage enrichment and communication skills, to have a better understanding on what the Bible says about marriage.
To Whom this Ministry is Addressed:
Premarital couples (People engaged or dating with the intention of marriage);
Married couples (Relationship enrichment);
Couples in crisis (Communication barriers, lack of trust, betrayal feelings, separated, illegitimate children, etc.).
Couples living in a common-law relationship.