While we believe that all Christians are called and anointed to serve one another in love, to edify one another, to bear one another’s burdens, to exhort one another, to comfort one another, and to encourage one another, there are times in people’s lives when their own pain and struggles may need special attention, and strong commitment with biblical support to guide them in order to help them overcome what has trapped them.
That’s why, through our counseling ministry, we have biblically trained and equipped men and women who seek to bring the hope and help of Jesus Christ to those who are hurting and suffering from different types of mental health issues and circumstances they face in everyday life.
Our Goal
Our biblical counseling ministry seeks to apply the message of whole Bible to a person’s circumstances with the goal of bringing hope, repentance, and transformation into that person’s life. The ultimate goal would be for the recipient to grow in their understanding of the gospel of Christ and learn how to apply it to all areas of life. Those who are transformed by God through this process of change and growth then respond in every circumstance with grateful and joyful obedience to the edification of the body of Christ and the glory of God.
Our Beliefs
We believe that human behavior and attitude are related to the thoughts, intentions, and affections of their hearts. We believe that all our behavior comes from a heart that worships something it values, whether it is God or other idols. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of the heart’s thought and address the inner person. God knows perfectly and correctly evaluates who we are, what we do, and why we do it. Although we cannot completely understand another person’s heart, we are assured that the Word of God reveals and penetrates the beliefs and true intentions of their hearts.
We believe that we are all created in the image of God with a complexity of body and soul. Based on this, we firmly believe that biblical counseling must address the full range of relational, rational, volitional, and physical things that we experience each day. A biblical counselor must look at the whole person if we are to seek to understand how to approach their problem in order to help them. Despite the physical and organic factors that may affect people’s lives, we seek to help our clients gain confidence in the process of transformation to become more like Christ in the face of what may be physically challenging. However, we do not counsel on the value or benefits of taking medications as prescribed by modern medicine. We always encourage our clients to consult their physician when faced with these issues.
We believe that the gospel is the power of God not only to save people from their sins, but also the power to transform them, through the minister of the Holy Spirit, to become more and more like Christ. Only under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit can we forsake all ungodliness and live for the glory of God. Therefore, we point people to Jesus rather than to a treatment program, theory or any secular experience. We place our trust in the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and the word of God as our only hope for changing people’s hearts. People need a dynamic, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, not a system of self-motivation, self-management, or self-actualization.
We believe that the Bible provides comprehensive instructions for meeting the needs of those seeking help to overcome their crisis. Therefore, our counseling is based on biblical principles rather than those of secular psychology or psychiatry. None of our biblical counselors are trained or licensed as psychotherapists or mental health professionals. Therefore, they cannot be expected to follow the methods of these professionals. If the recipient does not wish to use Scripture as the final authority for counseling, we will discontinue the sessions.
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