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Promogos Ministries aims to be a soul-seeking church for the kingdom of God. We do not discriminate or show favoritism. We are open to any soul, believer or non-believer, seeking refuge and comfort. Come as you are, with your burdens and guilt, and we will guide and equip you biblically and spiritually. We believe that the process of regeneration and restoration is the work of the Holy Spirit in you. Biblical coaching and mentoring courses are offered over a set period of time for new believers.

If you are a new believer, knowing that becoming a Christian is a new chapter in your life, here are some important questions to ask yourself as you take these steps, make sure you answer them correctly.

  • What kind of person was I before I met Jesus?

  • When and how did I realize I needed Him in my life?

  • What led me to make the decision to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior?

  • Did I fully understand the meaning of being born again?

  • How have forgiveness and grace impacted my life and my decision?

  • Am I truly ready to let go of my old life and embrace the new life in Christ?

  • Did I see a difference in my life since I made this decision?

You do not need to share your answers with anyone, they are for you and you alone, to remind you of the importance and the value of your new life in Christ. After you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you must be baptized by immersion. If you have any concerns about this process, please contact our Discipleship Ministry Team for spiritual guidance.

Why is it important to get baptized?

According to the Bible, baptism is the outward and public manifestation of your inward decision to become a believer. If you have accepted Christ, we would be happy to baptize you and share this special moment with you in the Lord. We baptize those who desire to get baptized every three months, in the waters of the sea, unless you have a swimming pool at home and wish to be baptized at home.

Below we have outlined some of the first steps to becoming a member of Promogos Ministries.

If you are a new believer seeking refuge:

  1. Affirm Accepting the Lord as your Savior.

  2. Get baptized by immersion.

  3. Attend a School of Discipleship.

  4. Read and Affirm the Membership Covenant

  5. Become a Promogos Ministries Member

  6. Get a Spiritual Coach.

  7. Connect to a Life Groups

  8. Connect to a Ministry

If you are a Christian looking for a new home:

  1. Affirm your faith and devotion to Christ

  2. Attend a Membership Class

  3. Read and Affirm the Membership Covenant

  4. Become a Promogos Ministries Member

  5. Get a Spiritual Coach

  6. Connect to a Life Groups

  7. Attend Internship: Ministry Training Class

  8. Serve at Promogos Ministries

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